From time to time, when I find a new quilt shop that really
bowls me over, I will come home and tell all of you about it!
That's what I did when I recently visited OKC
and the Quiltworks Shop...
Well, today...I came home and
I had a squishy package from said Quilt shop...
with a sweet note thanking me for writing about
their shop on my little blog...
and along with it...some really beautiful fat quarters...
That has never happened to me before...
I wrote about them because they really are the real thing...
Please visit them ONLINE or in person and tell them I sent you in!
I can't think of a better way to tell them
Thank you...
Thank you for such a sweet and generous gesture.
I really am STILL bowled OVER!!!!
And what can I say about that sweet man of mine...
He was in NY all weekend working...
and then
because of hurricane Irene...
He was supposed to be home on Saturday...
Then Sunday...
But two grueling TRAVEL NIGHTMARE days
He graced my kitchen doorstep
with his lovely presence...
With all that going on ...
With all that going on ...
He found a JOANN's Fabrics...
and that's right girls...
(tissues permitted here...)
He brought me home those lovely
fat quarters you see above...
He said he had to go into the 120 mile an hour hurricane wind,
Uphill no less and BARE FOOTED...
to get those for me...
and you know what girls?

My last but certainly not least
Thank you goes to Joan...
Aren't these blocks just stunning???
Joan is in my Block Swap Group...
Joan is in my Block Swap Group...
Thank you so much ...
I seriously
is the quilt I was working on this weekend...
Just a little more and it will be finished...
Oh, but I digress...
If you read my blog...
You KNOW why I HAD to have this
Pattern Book from Art to Heart...
and finally...
I have been filling my book shelves lately...
and here's what on them...
and of course....
Can you believe tomorrow is already