What an amazing time we have had this last few months!
Graduations, weddings and now the announcements that these two little guys are getting SIBLINGS!!!!
We are so happy around here we are about to burst!
Both new Grandbabies aka GBs are due in January 2015! #s four and five!!!!!
Truly our cup runneth over!
Thursday, June 26, 2014
My cup runneth over...
Sunday, June 22, 2014
The guest book...
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Our Stories...
You have a story to your life...
You have dreams...hopes...wishes...maybe even moments you can picture in your mind right now that changed your life.
Where did those moments send you? Do you keep track of them? Where are you now in that journey?
I was 18. I was loved. I was in love. I married. I looked forward to a new life...and then it was gone.
His name was David and he was murdered....along with four others.
Life changing.
My world stopped, but the world around me did not.
Our son was born six months later...and joy returned...
Nearly 25 years later...those responsible were convicted. Years of work, tears and waiting ended. Relief set in...and forgiveness took hold.
All the while, God went about His restoration of all that was stolen.
Sometimes resistance on my part changed my course, but He continued to pursue me...He had so much more to give me.
Sometimes shame blocked those gifts. Sometimes my stubbornness kept me from His goodness. Most times, I thought I could do it alone...
But God has loved me so much He waited.
He worked behind the scenes. He set people around me that nurtured my soul...held my hand...and looked at me with love.
How do you comprehend that sort of love from a Father when you barely knew your own?
You can't.
God never expected me to comprehend it.
He did it all for me.
The greatest Father gave his very own son for me.
He knew my pain of loss. He felt the anger of the crimes against His own son. He GOT me.
and He possesses the ultimate ability to shower forgiveness.
Today He's reaching to you too...to shower you with His goodness...
He knows your story and wants you to know His thoughts of you are of your value...your worth.
Because YOUR story has worth...
Happy Father's Day to my most precious Father who knows me and loves me...and who continues to write my story...
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Our little GB is raising his hand in VICTORY!!!! He sailed right through!!!!
Today our little grandbaby Grayson is in surgery as I am writing this to repair his cleft lip and nose. This is the first of two surgeries he will need ...the second one will be to correct the hole in his palette once he stops drinking from a bottle.
Sometimes it's hard being a parent...and grandparent...but he will be glad we did it someday....
We will miss his sweet smile that we have grown to love so much...but know that God is guiding his doctors hands...and little Grayson's new smile will be just perfect too!
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
A new finish..
I love making quilts for my friends...i tell them they can only have one if they promise to love it , use it and wear it out so I can make them another one! Of course I am being funny...but I want them to use them and make memories with them of their own..
Here's one I made for my friend Carrie for her birthday...
I love Sweetwater fabrics...and this worked out so cheery!
A few years back...3 maybe?
A little over 3 years ago, our little quilt shop grew up. We moved to a larger space and hired more employees. So much has happened in thos...