Saturday, June 2, 2012


One of my favorite blogs I visit often is
Film in the Fridge...and Ashley has had
me watering at the jowls for 
some of the Flea Market Fancy 
line for awhile now!

Well, what do you know???
I FINALLY ordered myself a small
batch of this coveted line by Denyse Schmidt !

I can NOT wait to tear into this!

Any ideas out there?


  1. Hey I bought my 1 yard stack and it is sitting high up on a shelf being admired. Meanwhile I have bought additional 1/4-1/2 yard pieces to use in various projects. Hee Hee-Im just going to let my stack stew for a year or two until the perfect quilt for ME idea comes along. Its time to be selfish. Cant wait to see what you come up with you quilts have been so inspirational!

  2. I know it is really hard to cut into. I have some of the original pieces that I am hoarding. I have not bought any of the reissued line. Maybe I need to get myself from fat eighths.

  3. Oh I love this the more I see it. If only I hadn't promised not to buy anything. I HATE promising.
    But I love you
    Patti xxx


A few years back...3 maybe?

 A little over 3 years ago, our little quilt shop grew up. We moved to a larger space and hired more employees. So much has happened in thos...