When we headed out last week to the ranch for vacation,
I felt very confident about finishing my Hidden Cross quilt
I had been working on for my friend Patty's daughter - Courtney...
who was getting married that at the end of the week...
After all, I had the ENTIRE WEEK...right?
Cotton says...WAIT FOR IT....WAIT FOR IT.... |
Sew...just to be sure we didn't forget anything -
(the ranch is a good 5 1/2 hrs from Houston)
I started packing the night before--- EARLY in the evening.
NO procrastinating here - I tell you!
I was up EARLY and surveying all my packing...
Sewing machine...check!
Quilt top...check!
Sewing notions...check!
Cutting board...check!
My little bunny Cotton's bag...check!
I am ready to go!
The suitcase was all packed and ready to go out
and all my other items were
on the table by the door.
Bill loaded us up quickly
(while I posted here before we left for the week)
and then we literally ran and jumped in the truck!
Whooo Hooooo!
Nothing like having a kiss from your travel bunny!
Twenty minutes later - we turned around and headed home.
Bill left his wallet - so I ran into the house, into the bedroom
grabbed it off the bed and ran back out to the truck!
Ok, so ...perhaps we weren't supposed to
be that far ahead of schedule...
All is good! And we're OFF!
It's almost dark when we reach the ranch, but WE HAVE ARRIVED!
I begin to unload the truck...after all, that blogging thing...
while Bill loaded the truck...
It was my turn was my thinking!
No suitcase.
Oh, I had MY suitcase.
But the HUGE one I packed for the ranch and Bill?
It NEVER made it out of the bedroom.
Can we say how wonderful my sweet man is here?
With just what he had on his back...
he sat back and just laughed!
when I went into the bedroom to get his wallet!
The next morning, after coffee and a trip to Wally World for a
few clothes for Mr. Bill...I was home and sewing!
In NO TIME...I had the final two sashings on the quilt.
Again...I couldn't resist taking all the photos...
Patting myself on the back for how
good I was doing on time...
It was just MONDAY.
I went to my trusted fabric bag,
you know...the one with all the supplies
that I had checked off?
The backing for the quilt was in
Safely tucked in my sewing closet...
for the day when I would need it.
At that moment there was silence..
and then.....
this thought:
(where is that rat poison?? )
followed by:
sob sob sob sob
snot snot snot
gnashing of teeth, pulling of hair
and collapsed in a fetal position
after rolling in the floor
kicking my legs in the air like a
dying cockroach.
(ok, maybe a little dramatic...)
Bill loaded my wadded mess of a self
up in the truck and drove me to
Fredricksburg, TX to the nearest fabric store
and I came out with a very suitable backing fabric in no time!
(Remember that phone call Linda....Thanks!)
I am calm again.
Isn't that golden tan fabric beautiful?
Again, I was sewing...
Man, this is a HUGE quilt for my little
Wally world Brother Quilting series
sewing machine...
and then continued to sew...
Lana: Honey, what time is it???
Bill: TUESDAY...
I was not to be BEATEN!
By the time we left the ranch on Wednesday
to head to Patty's house in Denison,
I had the quilt all quilted and had the
binding attached.
I saved the hand stitching of the binding for the car...
and another SIX HOUR drive.
Tired yet?
WELL, Hang on Nellie...
this horse is headed to the barn!
In the end...
the quilt was lovely...
and I learned a LOT
(my muscles were jello
from wrangling that big ole quilt in my
little ole machine...)
And Patty's home showcased it beautifully....
And the gorgeous bride and her handsome groom
along with her parents were very happy!
Cutter, Courtney, Patty and Butch |
Is it dumb that I am going to miss that
little, sweet, wonderful and adorable quilt???
Thank you for hanging in there with me...
This was so fun!!!