Hello my friends,
I am sorry I haven't been on lately...please bear with me, I promise to be back next week...Until then, I will be with family.
Thank you all.
P.S. For my block partners, my blocks will be a little late, but will get them to you next week. I promise - I apologize that they will be late.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Ready for a new home...
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Friday Night Sew-IN Results!!!!
Well, of course I was SEWING last night!!!! and here's what I was working on...
This is a little baby quilt that I am calling...White Picket Fences!
If you haven't noticed, It's all ABOUT SPRING these days!
Friday, March 18, 2011
New friends...
I was able to meet up with Linda from Buzzing and Bumbling and her sister Darla from Doodling In My Mind yesterday when they made a quick trip to Houston to see family...
Walking into the Hobby Lobby where we had agreed to meet up, I was a little nervous, but looking forward to meeting my first blog land friends! Well, they were there full of smiles and hugs and it was a delightful and fun afternoon!
I took them to our new JoAnn's Fabric store...LOTS OF STORE to visit - and then to one of my favorite quilt shops in town that was close by...Quilter's Emporium.
I learned a lot about these women...Linda and I actually lived in the same little town in Kilgore, TX many years back where she taught school...we both love Victorian homes...and she's very close to her family and her sister, Darla - who is an artist in her own right! I hope you will click on her website above and visit...you will be amazed at what she can do with watercolors...I am.
Although we all agreed that what happened in Houston would stay in Houston....
I did promise to let you all in on a little secret from the day...it appears that car doors that are locked in Houston also STAY locked in Houston! (See Linda...I didn't tell all, but thought you two would get a laugh...)
While we were in the Quilter's Emporium, I had the privilege of introducing Linda and her patterns to the ladies working in the shop...I am going back today to show off the quilts she so graciously left with me for my upcoming show...and maybe be able to leave some of the patterns she left with me...Wish her well! Wouldn't it be great to have her adorable patterns debut in Houston at MY FAV little shop!
Well, I wish I could show you a picture or two from our day...but - you guessed it...I forgot my phone had a camera!!!!
I promise to get some pics when I go to return her quilts in a couple of weeks!
Moral to this story...
If you have the opportunity to meet up with a fellow blogger sometime - I RECOMMEND IT!
Thank you Linda and Darla for a great afternoon!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Good morning! Well, late...actually...
Forgive me for being soooo late in posting the winner...
My sweet man has been gone all week, and came home last night...
and somehow it just all melted out of my mind...
Sew...without further ado...
The winner is .....
#7 - KATHY H
Thank you everyone for not only stopping in...
but for going by Linda's blog and checking
out all her lovely items!
I know she has really enjoyed having
everyone come by --
Now, Kathy H, look in your email!!!!
and respond to let me know where to send
your little pattern!!!
Have a good afternoon everyone!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Easter Pretties....and maybe a new swap....
Are you seeing SPRING leaves yet???
When I was in Salado last Christmas, I picked up a mystery bag of fabric strips. I didn't know what I was going to get, but I hoped it was good...ever done that? After all, it was fabric and it was $3.00 for the bag.
The other day, I was visiting one of my favorite blogs - Film in the Fridge, and Ashley had posted a tutorial for a strip quilt...and LIGHT BULB! I had strips!
There was just enough in my little bag to get a sweet little boy's baby blanket...Can't you just see a dad buying this quilt for his little hunter?
All in all, it took about four hours to make - I like to hand stitch the binding to satisfy the old fashioned quilting idea I have, that is before machine sewing came along! Don't get me wrong, I *heart* machine quilting...but this does make it a little more personal for me when I give something as a gift.
Anyway, back to the sewing room I go! Have a few more items I want to make before the day is over!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Four days left....
That's right!
Just four days
til we choose a winner
of this lovely little pattern....
Don't forget to go here and sign up!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
I wanted this one...
I know I am not the only one out there
that makes something for someone else,
only to really want it too!
This is one of those times!
This canvas fabric is from...of course...
'AUTHENTIC' by Sweetwater...
And I know if you have been one of my readers for any
length of time, that you will recognize this from
Blackbird Designs by Moda... It's called
'Beach House' and YES! I still had some left!
Anyone have a favorite bag pattern they want to share?
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Just for fun...
Here's a couple of items I have been working on this weekend...
some finished in the car on the way to see my daughter and one this afternoon.
These coasters are made from a charm pack of
'Lily & Will' by Moda that took a little over an hour to make - YAY!
and I was able to finish the handwork in the car...
nice way to make the time pass...
The Carmel Swing Bag is from Pink Sand Beach Designs
and I used the ' Make Life' series from Sweetwater-
This bag took just a little over an hour and it was a first for me.
I KNOW I am going to make another one for myself!
I am heading outside for a little bit
since the sun is out, is warm and is shining bright!
Don't forget to sign up for my EASTER giveaway here...
The deadline to enter is March 14th!!!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Another Yummy giveaway!
... a bundle of 15 fat Quarters from "Where The Wind Blows"
But to enter you must visit
Vignette in Stitches to see how to win these!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Today, I want to introduce you to a fellow blogger...
Linda over at B. Bumble & Company.
She is the designer
some of the most amazing
some of the most amazing
applique quilt patterns I have ever seen...
Linda comes from a family of artists -
her mother was a talented
cake decorator/designer
cake decorator/designer
and her father an accomplished architect,
furniture artisan and illustrator!
It's not hard to see where she
has gotten her inspiration
with parents like that!
Even her brother and sister
are creative and artistic!
A few months before
Christmas last year,
after visiting her online
shop several times,
it finally dawned on me...
(I know..I am dense at times)
that these patterns of hers
aren't all wall hangings,
(I know..I am dense at times)
that these patterns of hers
aren't all wall hangings,
but some are QUILTS!
Now, Linda has been a
regular reader/commenter
on my blog many times,
regular reader/commenter
on my blog many times,
so I decided to ask her
if she could do a
wall hanging pattern
if she could do a
wall hanging pattern
for me in honor
of my little bunny Cotton...
and she agreed.
of my little bunny Cotton...
and she agreed.
Yesterday, I opened my
email to find these...
email to find these...
I can't tell you how
thrilled I was to see them!
thrilled I was to see them!
I knew she would design
a cute pattern,
but these just blew me away!
Tonight, I called Linda
and asked her if I could not only
feature her newest patterns...
but if she would mind
if I had a little
And here's the deal -
You will have several
ways to win one of these
wonderful patterns
on her blog! Then come back and tell me which
pattern is your favorite and why!
and let me know for another chance to win!
and come back and
share the link for another
chance to win!
The deadline to enter is
The winner will be
and asked her if I could not only
feature her newest patterns...
but if she would mind
if I had a little
And here's the deal -
You will have several
ways to win one of these
wonderful patterns
Visit Linda's shop and then leave her a commenton her blog! Then come back and tell me which
pattern is your favorite and why!
Become a follower of Linda's blog and come backand let me know for another chance to win!
and come back and
share the link for another
chance to win!
The deadline to enter is
March 14th
at midnight.The winner will be
announced on
March 15th.
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A few years back...3 maybe?
A little over 3 years ago, our little quilt shop grew up. We moved to a larger space and hired more employees. So much has happened in thos...