Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It Seams to be Sew will be quiet ...

Hello my friends,
I am sorry I haven't been on lately...please bear with me, I promise to be back next week...Until then, I will be with family.
Thank you all.


P.S. For my block partners, my blocks will be a little late, but will get them to you next week. I promise - I apologize that they will be late.


  1. I hope you're having fun with your family and it's not for a sad reason.

  2. Take care and look forward to seeing you back next week.

  3. have a good week end !
    marylin France


A few years back...3 maybe?

 A little over 3 years ago, our little quilt shop grew up. We moved to a larger space and hired more employees. So much has happened in thos...