Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Snow, Showers and Realizations...


What a wonderful weekend we had with our Son David and His Ashley...
We realized a few things on this trip...
That as you can see, there was SNOW around everywhere... YAY!
That on our little tour of Solon Iowa
we saw some of the prettiest little homes
this side of Heaven I am sure...
That even the deer LOVE SNOW...
as clearly evident by the "Buck Angel" pictured above.
That my beloved son...actually can walk on water.
FROZEN water that is...hehehe
That you can spell your husband's name out in the snow....
if you really focus and run in cursive.
(love that Mr. Bill you know...)
That there's a sweet little room filled with goodies for
a new GB on the way...
That memories can be recorded on a baby's onesie and not leave a stain...
That no less than FIVE generations (counting the baby)
can be photographed together without using Photoshop..
(Gigi, Great-Great Grandmama - 97 yrs very young, Mama, Grandmama, Great-Grandmama)
That I love my son more than words could ever be spoken or written...
That sitting on the airplane to come home brings a few
life-changing realizations...
Because you see, just as I whispered with tears in my eyes
and a choking my voice in my son's ear when I hugged him goodbye...
"the next time I see you David...
You will be a Daddy".

For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD.
"They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29:11



  1. OMG.... pass the hankie please! Our sweet "little, video game playing David" a father! :)

  2. seen your blog those pictures are too sweet and i cried a little. just a helpful hint that crib back rail is not on right. http://www.simplebabynecessities.com/media/catalog/category/homepage_image.jpg
    my grandbaby has the same crib and made this mistake also. gotta keep those gbabies safe and congrats!!

  3. So Sorry for that anonymous post I could not get it to log me in :) I just love your blog! can't wait to read more


A few years back...3 maybe?

 A little over 3 years ago, our little quilt shop grew up. We moved to a larger space and hired more employees. So much has happened in thos...