Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Cutie Patootie...

If you want a giggle today...
Let my little GB Grayson put a smile on your face...
He's doing so well after his surgery!!!
I think he ALREADY knows what he doesn't like!


  1. How sweet! Yes, it definitely looks like he has a discriminating taste!

  2. That's great!!! I always love watching their faces when they taste the texture and flavor.

  3. So cute. He's just adorable but then again I would expect nothing less from one of your grandchildren. Love you my friend. P xxx

  4. his surgery has come along so well. I'm so happy for him.


A few years back...3 maybe?

 A little over 3 years ago, our little quilt shop grew up. We moved to a larger space and hired more employees. So much has happened in thos...