Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Best hour sewing ever...

My little GB has been sick for about four days.
I stayed home to help out since everyone has
been sick...

Most of you  also know I have two little bunnies
that rule our house...and my GB loves them.
All day he "petted" a pillow I have with 
a bunny on it that was on the floor...

So while he was napping, I took an hour
went in the studio and quickly cut out 
what I hoped would be a bunny...

That first picture above was his face when
he woke up and I handed him his bunny...and 
for the rest of the day it was his constant

All day today he's kept Bunny with him...
After he went to sleep his Mama went
in to check on him and came in to get me.
This was the picture of the century to me.

Who knew, a little homemade bunny, with no face
and only whiskers...but with big bunny ears would
comfort this little boy so much!
It's like having Christmas morning all over again....
Sleep tight little Holdyn...
Gigi DOES love you.


  1. Oh my GOSH! Tears... that is the sweetest thing EVER!!!

  2. I bought Oli a bunny from Laura Ashley and he just adores it. Look at H with the bunny you made him. So much better than my bought one. You are such a wonderful Gigi.

  3. That is so sweet! I have one about that age. I should go sew up a little bunny for him! So adorable!

  4. Ok...sitting here with tears running down my cheeks. That is just the most precious, adorable thing ever!


A few years back...3 maybe?

 A little over 3 years ago, our little quilt shop grew up. We moved to a larger space and hired more employees. So much has happened in thos...